If you are a regular yoga practitioner, you probably have heard from your instructor about deepening into the pose. Yoga is an approach to expanding our awareness to include more than just our muscles and fascia.
Deepening into an experience entails being aware of and embracing whatever is going on for you in the present moment without associating or confusing your sense of self with what is—or is not—actually happening.
There are several methods for performing this, and many of them require the use of yoga blocks.
In this blog post, we’ll look at 18 various methods to use yoga blocks to add variety to your yoga practice and improve your poses. Yoga blocks are a must-have tool for any yoga enthusiast, from providing a base for relaxing poses to assisting in demanding arm balances.
Prepare to deepen your yoga knowledge along with the ways to use yoga blocks and discover new ways to include these useful props in your practice.
Why do You Need Yoga Blocks?
There are various types of yoga blocks, and if you choose the high-quality, eco-friendly cork yoga block, you might be supporting sustainability. But do you need the block?
For Stability and Support
Yoga blocks, which can be placed beneath your hands, feet, or hips, are an excellent technique to aid and maintain alignment. For example, if you’re attempting to get a deep stretch in Triangle Pose (Trikonasana), placing a block beneath your lower hand can help.
For Balance and Extension
Blocks can also help in balance poses like Half Moon (Ardha Chandrasana) by giving you a sturdy surface to reach for, allowing you to extend further and achieve better balance.
For Flexibility
A Light EVA Foam yoga block can assist you in reaching the floor more comfortably in sitting forward bends or restorative positions. Lower the block to deepen the stretch as your flexibility improves.
How Using Yoga Blocks Can Help You Deepen Your Yoga Practice
When you’re ready to push an asana a bit further and experience it in a new manner, yoga blocks can help. The following are 18 typical yoga positions and techniques to use blocks as tools to increase or amplify the physical stretch you feel.
Continue to be mindful of your breath and body as you go into a new, deeper, or more challenging expression of an asana. Remember that the goal of yoga is to ensure the safety and durability of your practice.
You may discover that not all of the options listed below satisfy your present requirements. Take what suits you. Maintain an open mind and keep your ego off the mat.
Warrior III
Yoga blocks can be used to increase balance and stability in Warrior III Pose. To utilize the blocks, arrange them in front of you on the ground at their highest setting, ground your hands on the blocks, and elevate one leg behind you parallel to the ground.
Butterfly Pose
Butterfly is a soothing stance in which you sit on the floor with your feet together and your knees pressed down on the floor. This stance can help with posture and balance. It’s also a great yoga stretch for lower back problems. If you’re having trouble with this posture or have persistent knee discomfort, place a yoga block beneath each knee for extra support.
Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend
In the Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend, using two blocks under your hands allows you to maintain good form and keep your spine lengthened while you bend forward.
Half Moon Pose
Set the block to its highest position and place it toward the outside edge of your front foot. Hold the block with one hand while extending the other arm and elevating the rear leg. The block will support you and allow you to concentrate on maintaining balance and perfect alignment.
Lizard Pose
Putting a block beneath your back thigh elevates your knee, letting your thigh relax and facilitate a deeper hip opening. Begin in Downward Dog by placing your right foot outside your right hand. Place a block beneath your back thigh at the lowest level.
Bring your right knee up to your right upper arm. Come onto your forearms, whether on the mat or blocks, to increase the stretch.
In Lizard Pose, allow your chest to drop toward the mat.
Puppy Pose
Puppy Pose can assist in relaxing the entire body, especially the neck, shoulders, and arms. If you have trouble resting your elbows on the ground or need help correcting your posture, adding blocks to your yoga routine may be beneficial. Simply place a block beneath each elbow and clasp your hands behind your head.
Crow Pose
There are many methods to include blocks in the crow pose. Some people like to put one under their head, one under each foot, or one under each hand. Because this is a balancing posture, putting a yoga block under each hand can help you restore your balance while also giving extra support.
Cork blocks are an excellent choice for this position because they absorb sweat, making it less likely that you will slip or lose your balance.
Seated Forward Fold
A common mistake in seated forward folds is collapsing the spine and rounding the chest and shoulders. Bending forward in this manner may allow you to reach your toes, but it will not effectively stretch your hamstrings.
To avoid this, use the preceding modification to sit on the edge of a yoga block. This will assist you in tilting your pelvis forward when folding forward and bending more from the hips rather than the spine.
Maintain a long spine, prevent curving the lower back, and fold forward as much as possible. Instead of a yoga block, this posture can alternatively be done with a blanket.
Standing Forward Fold
When bending into a forward fold, it’s simple to collapse your spine, which may allow you to reach your toes but will not efficiently stretch your hamstrings. Place your yoga blocks a comfortable distance from your feet, bending at the hips. Reach your hands onto the blocks in front, avoiding rounding towards the floor.
Pigeon Pose
In the pigeon pose, your hips may be lifted excessively high, causing strain in your lower back and knees. When entering pigeon posture, use your yoga blocks as a shortcut to the floor. Place your yoga block beneath the hip of your bowed leg to square your hips and allow your body to sink into the posture.
Bridge Pose
A supporting bridge is one restorative yoga practice that makes use of yoga blocks. Begin by lying on your back with your legs bent and a block beneath you at the base of your spine. Begin at the lowest setting and go higher if a deeper stretch is desired. This pose can assist in reducing back pain while expanding your neck, chest, and spine.
Triangle Pose
If you can’t reach the floor in a triangle position and are gripping your ankle or shin, substitute a yoga block. Tight hamstrings are most likely at blame here, but you don’t need to touch the floor to achieve a good stretch; your body should be totally linear.
So, position a yoga block near the heel of your front foot, raise your arms to your sides, and float your front arm down to the block. Lift your back arm towards your hand for a good stretch in your hamstrings.
Yogi Squat
Tight hips or limited ankle mobility may prohibit you from deepening your yogi squat. Sitting atop a yoga block will give you extra support and aid with your balance in this pose. This will relieve some of the pressure on your knees and allow you to keep your back straight, lift your chest, and experience a good stretch in your hips, inner thighs, and lower back.
Supported Fish Pose
Lay on your back with a block between your shoulder blades for a gentle chest opening. Allow your head to rest on the mat if it is comfortable; otherwise, use another block or pillow to support your head and neck. Use a taller block or place the block with its thin side between your shoulders to increase the intensity.
Low Lunge
If your hands cannot easily reach the floor, you can use yoga blocks to assist you in maintaining perfect form in several low-lunge variants. Because low lunge is a terrific posture for building hip flexibility, using the blocks allows you to focus on the pose without worrying about upper body strain.
Camel Pose
For this Camel pose variation, position two blocks on the outside of your shins or ankles. Begin with the highest setting and progressively lower the blocks as you progress.
Boat Pose (Paripurna Navasana)
Boat Pose requires a blend of strength, flexibility, balance, and mental focus. To tone up your Boat Pose, try squeezing a yoga block between your thighs. This will cause your abductors and core muscles to contract, resulting in a more intensive asana practice.
Four-Limbed Staff Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana)
Chaturanga Dandasana, or Four-Limbed Staff Pose, is a difficult asana that requires a strong upper body and core. By modifying this position using a yoga block, you may progressively increase your strength while keeping your elbows aligned and your core and back engaged.
Choose your poses and then figure out the ways to use yoga blocks for them and be easy with your positions. For high-quality yoga blocks or any other yoga props, you can always refer to the Made By Tory. The quality and prices are worth it. Just explore and then buy the one you need.